CorreLogo Submission Form

3D sequence logos of RNA and DNA alignments


All you probably have to do to obtain a 3D sequence logo from the CorreLogo server is to paste a sequence alignment in FASTA format into below text area and click "Submit Query" at the bottom of this page. For an even easier test run, you can use our example. If you want to customize the output, enter values into the sections two and three the form below.

For more detailed information and an explanation of the output please see our help page. If you want to pick up a previously computed result, please use the file retriever web server.

3. Customize generated output (optional)

Note to the user regarding default max and min values: The default settings are currently set to give the user an idea of what the output looks like. However, the user should feel free to alter these values to change the resolution of the results i.e. how much noise should be included in the answer which may obscure, for example lower stacks if max is set too high. Please also see help information for further details.
